The Escapades Of Shagadelic and Lampalas

Follow the hilarious adventures of Lam Kwong Loke (a.k.a Lampalas) and Shek Chong Seng (a.k.a Shagadelic) Lots Of Laughter Guarenteed
Friday, January 17, 2003

Friend Of

Thursday, January 16, 2003
[As of recent, Singapore has been treated to fairly large dishful of movies, including the moderately successfull James-bond parody affectionately termed " i-spy". However, it is a pity that not many of the goers had the opportunity to experience a second rendition of the spy flick unravelling itself in the bowels of our very heartland.... ]


The loosely slung sign read " Shagadelic Lam and Co" as the rusty door ailed under the howling afternoon breeze. Anyone taking a quick glance through the window of the self-proclaimed detective office would have been slightly repulsed. Spittle dripped from Sherlock Lam's drooped mouth as he lay victim to an afternoon nap; head and arms sprawled over a clean(rather an unused) desk. His sidekick Shek Watson spared no effort revelling in the lazy afternoon as he lay dead on an even smaller desk adjacent to Sherlock Lam's. Flies zipped and hovered over their wide open mouths as if attracted by the stench of dinner leftovers: which were evidently present if one made a closer inspection to the teeth of our two bumbling blokes. Nasty, simply nasty.

As if intentionally planning to ruin the afternoon silence, the old phone suddenly rang without warning. Startled and dazed, both jolted out of their seats. Lam scrambled for the phone and grabbed a banana lying on the desk instead in a state of fluster. Shek Watson's luck wasn't too good either: He was having a shoe to his ear. Loud hellos could be heard for a minute before reality hit upon their IQ deficient heads. Lam managed to locate the phone at long last.

Lam: Wei? Shag detective Pte Ltd. What can i do for you?

Caller: Hello? US pizza right? I want to order a vegetable lovers with large crust.

Lam: GO TO HELL! *slams phone*

Phone rings again..

Lam: Ta Ma De. Stop calling and eat some shit pizza lah!

Caller: What the hell are you talking about? I want to engage some detective services!

Lam: Er...haha. You must have heard wrongly lah, I was talking to my friend Shek. So what can i do for you?

Caller: I need you to spy on a friend of mine. I will fax you the details later on.

Minutes later, at the vincinity of a HDB block: two big and small guys in trench-coats are seen loitering and commuting via two outdated walkie-talkies.

Lam (talking into the walkie-talkie): Shek come in. Report status. PSsst Shek?

Shek (replying to his own walkie-talkie): What do you want lah?

Lam: Update me, where exactly are you now?

Shek: Right behind you loh.

Lam: !!

Shek: Qu shi ba. (go and die moron) *flings walkie-talkie onto Lam's head*

Friend Of

Monday, January 13, 2003
As fate would have it, who but our very own protagonists stumble onto a blog site erected in their glory. Magnifinence ( and stupidity) exudes greatly from the humbling presence of two dimwits spawned from our very heartlands. "

Shek : Wow! I must be dreaming. Our very own blog site!
Lam: yeah baby! simply "shek"adelic. Are we getting paid for this?
Shek: Siao ar, why must others pay to see your brown ass?
Lam: ................

Friend Of

Sunday, January 12, 2003
Hello everybody!

This website is dedicated to the two of my best buddies, Lam Kwong Loke and Shek Chong Seng. They are the weirdest guys in the whole wide world so I decided to write an analogue of their misadventures. This web page will be updated regularly. So check in often to read their trills and spills.

Friend Of


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